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Spending hours swiping robotically through profiles and getting excited when you get a match, then messaging her only to be ignored, is not your fault. Sadly, 49 percent of messages on dating apps are single, unanswered messages, and of the 51 percent that did shoot a few messages back and forth, only 19 percent exchanged phone numbers. When you think about it, those are some pretty sad statistics. The report, led by Taha Yasseri and Jennie Zhang from the Oxford Internet Institute, revealed that most of our dating app swipes are ignored, and the majority of our carefully-crafted messages go unanswered. Maybe you noticed that already? I know I did. It's important to be open to a match being something more than a meaningless hook up, but if you have no idea what you want when it comes to dating, maybe you should take stock of that before getting another person involved. If you're neglecting spending time on your friends, your job, your mental or physical health, or even just your personal happiness to go on dates — just stop. You've come back to the beginning and are starting to see profiles you've rejected already. Are they better this time around? Maybe. 10. You keep finding the same people in other dating apps.