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Rosenfeld, who has studied mating and dating for two decades, says the rise in online dating has not only become more popular, but has outpaced traditional methods of meeting a significant other such as through family or friends. In fact, he says, meeting a partner through a third person has continued to decline over the years. Most heterosexual singles search for a match close to where they live, according to a new paper in Sociological Science by Elizabeth Bruch and Mark Newman, both of the University of Michigan and Santa Fe Institute. Their study is based on a big-data analysis of interactions on a major online dating platform. (The researchers were required not to identify the site as a condition of conducting the research. ) Specifically, the study analyzes some 15 million two-way exchanges between heterosexual users on the site. Bruch and Newman use these data points to assess the roles of age, gender, race, and proximity in heterosexual dating markets. When you use a dating app, or many other apps for that matter, you’re also giving away data in less obvious ways. For example, with nothing more than the time you spend hovering over someone’s profile, you could reveal your interest or lack of interest in the type of person you’re looking at, which may include such details as their racial background or whether they're smiling in their photos. As you swipe, type, and meet up with online matches, dating apps are collecting all sorts of information. There’s what you tell them directly, such as your name, occupation, what you’re looking for in a partner, and your sexual preferences.
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Just move on to someone else, there are plenty of friendly people to talk to. Join in with an activity. If you’re in a public space with lots of people, get involved with an event or gathering of people. For example, if there’s a drum circle, join in and make some music. If you see a street performer, stop and watch with other people. Not only can these be fun experiences, they can also bring you together with other people who have stopped. Then, initiate a conversation over a shared experience. Attend free concerts and food festivals. See what events happen in your community and show up with the intent of meeting people. Join in on an activity that other people are doing together. If you see some people about to start a game or go do an activity, ask to join in.
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